That's how Marietje Schaake called the deletion of Donald Trump's account by "the biggest hate megaphone of the last decade," as she calls Twitter. Marietje, and many others with her, did not seem to be mourning it.
Incomprehensible !
If it is a symbol of anything, it is only of the subjugation of journalism, which has been going on since the center of gravity of journalism shifted from reporting to bigoted political activism. The majority no longer even attempts to disguise that, indeed not few are openly proud of it.
The Godwins (references to Nazi Germany) in the columns as reactions to Trump and Baudet or whoever is dismissed as a right-wing extremist are now commonplace on social media as well. They ring as loudly in both places as the cheers over the restrictions imposed on (what they see as) right-wing extremists.
The uncritical acquiescence is not only incomprehensible, it's scary. Only because it is in line with their vision this time, they again ignore the fact that a handful of rich unelected loners (?) are calling the shots instead of elected representatives of the people, whom - except in the case of Rutte ? - can vote away every four years.
And how long will your euphoria last, when at some point these restrictions also turn against you ?
It's been a long time since there was an equality of interests. Democracy today is selectively reserved for Deugers, who in many cases turn out to be the anti-fascists referred to by the Jewish-Dutch historian Jacques Presser[1].
Critics, in the demagogic vernacular called Right-wing extremists, Wappies or Complotists, are now excluded from their democracy, they must submit to the journalistic mainstream judgment, in the name of the common c.q. general interest.
Journalists are supposed to be 'the watchmen of democracy', but increasingly, depending on the situation, there is either selective indignation, or, on the contrary, tolerance and approval.
Baudet, the few times he is invited, only has to take a breath or he is already interrupted, while a Ghanaian agitator is given a stage time and time again and gets away with the most questionable excesses...?
The realization that if Rutte had been judged only half as harshly on his merits as Trump on his, the Netherlands would never have had a second Rutte cabinet. Let the journalists, 'the watchmen of democracy' think about that.
Any 'journalist' who does not unequivocally condemn Trump's twitter ban, with in its wake the removal of Parler from the Amazon servers by Mr. Bezos and the making of the Parler app inaccessible by Apple and Google, is not worthy of that title.
They show the same resignation of which Pastor Martin Niemöller spoke[2] regarding the step-by-step elimination of targets by the Nazis.
I hereby request every journalist to stand up against censorship. And if you don't do it for me, at least do it for yourself !